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Approaching patients’ treatment plans with them as your fully informed partner can create a lifetime of patient loyalty and continued care in your office.
Your communication and relationship with your patients is the basis of their treatment; the expertise you provide to your patients empowers them and enables them to make an informed decision regarding their treatment.
Patients form their opinion of you as a dental professional based upon your communication style and the way in which you interact with them, so its crucial that you develop good communication methods that will fit each patient.
Efficiency & Patient Satisfaction
Improving communication with your patients helps your practice as a whole to become more efficient by eliminating the chance for miscommunication or complications in the future.
Ensuring that your patients understand what is going on during all aspects of their treatment will also help them feel more secure and confident about their commitment to treatment; this reflects very positively on patient satisfaction.
Treatment Costs
Let’s face it – discussing fees with your patients is rarely comfortable for either party, but it’s a crucial part of ensuring that all aspects of treatment are fully discussed, and that your patient understands what they can expect.
This will eliminate the chance for miscommunication further down the line, and it will help strengthen the patient’s feeling that they are equal partners in the design and implementation of their treatment plan.
While the front desk staff will be managing most of the financial aspects of the patient’s treatment, it’s important that you can discuss costs with your patient, as well. This will help the patient understand what goes into determining the cost of any certain procedure, such as the required time for the appointment, materials that will be needed, and any special circumstances that may apply.
Starting the conversation about the cost of treatment will help the patient ease into the discussion; many patients are too intimidated or embarrassed to bring up costs with their dentist, but wish that they had once the opportunity is gone. Take the lead for the conversation and ensure that your patient fully understands where each charge is coming from.
DentiCalc: Revolutionizing Treatment Plan Presentation
DentiCalc was designed to bridge the communication gap between dental professional and their patients.
Clinical and technical terms can make it easy for a patient to become lost during their treatment plan presentation. DentiCalc’s interface allows you to easily explain their treatment with the help of cutting-edge animations and videos. Explain what you have planned for them as well as why you have planned it, and use DentiCalc to give them a visual representation to allow them to fully understand what’s being planned.
DentiCalc also offers an intelligent financial planning option that allows you to calculate a rough total costs for treatment in seconds. Program the app’s pricelists to match that of your practice, then simply input your patient’s treatment and get an instant calculation that your patient can see in real time. While the total will not be exact, this is a great way to get the ball rolling and give your patient a good idea of what they can expect for the costs of treatment.
Eliminating the disconnect between patient and dentist starts with placing a stronger emphasis on patient communication. Moving forward with the information you learned here and with the use of DentiCalc’s revolutionary program, you’ll be well on your way to achieving stronger relationships with your patients and, consequently, higher treatment acceptance rates.
For more information about how DentiCalc can help enhance your treatment plan presentations, click here.
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