Explaining the Difference between PFM and Zirconia Crowns
3 min read
Explaining the Difference between PFM and Zirconia Crowns
DentiCalc > Dental Blog > Specifically for Dentists
All crowns are made the same, right?
Wrong, but it’s likely that your patients feel this way. Here’s how DentiCalc can help explain the difference between PFM and zirconia crowns to help your patients better understand their treatment options.
Many dental professionals find that there’s often a bit of difficulty when explaining the technical details and differences between a PFM and zirconia crowns to their patients.
This has the potential to lead to the patient simply opting for the crown that will cost less, or blindly choosing between the two options simply because they don’t understand what each type of crown has to offer them.
To prevent miscommunication or patient dissatisfaction, it’s best to approach the situation ensuring that all parties are well-informed. DentiCalc is here to help you do just that.
DentiCalc was designed with dental professionals like you in mind and is equipped with cutting-edge tools that can help you bridge the communication gaps between you and your patients during treatment consultations.
The DentiCalc application offers a wide selection of images and videos that will help your patient fully understand their treatment, providing them with visual aids for things like:
The difference of light transmission between the two types of crowns
How the tooth will be prepared for the crown
How tooth preparation varies with the current state of the tooth (fractured, worn, discolored, etc)
Desgined for Simplicity
When explaining treatment to your patient, the last thing you need is an application that will complicate things for either one of you.
In order for an application or program to be truly essential, it must provide an invaluable service to both you and your patient while maintaining an easy-to-use interface.
DentiCalc is designed to do just that. Simply download our revolutionary program to any mobile device or tablet and enjoy immediate access to our extensive library of informational videos, eye-catching animations, and intelligent price estimator features.
Photo by DentiCalc
In just seconds, you can easily open the app and add DentiCalc as an intelligent visual aid to your treatment plan presentation with no disruption or interruption to your conversation with your patient.
You’ll soon find that DentiCalc provides an invaluable service that improves the overall experience and takeaway of your discussion with your patients, who will certainly be more inclined to trust their oral care to you for years to come due to your attention to their personal experience.
For more information about how DentiCalc can help enhance your treatment plan presentations, click here.
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