DentiCalc - Dentálna kalkulačka


4 dental apps in1
DentiCalc is a mobile application specifically for dentists.
This revolutionary, easy to use app integrates our 4 best tools which will be essential for your daily dental work.

DentiCalc - 4 dental apps in 1


4 dental apps in 1
DentiCalc is a mobile application specifically
for dentists. This revolutionary, easy to use app integrates our 4 best tools (Photos, Videos, Calculator, Smart) which will be essential for your daily dental work.

1st app of 4:


Delivers 1000+ photos and patient education materials such as dental problems and treatment procedures. This visual communication aid can be a great help for dentists in explaining the dental treatments that are awaiting for their patients.
Špičkové personalizované animácie


The photos are categorized according to different fields of dentistry so you can find what you are looking for in a breeze.
Viac ako 30 videí zubných zákrokov

Patient education materials

This visual communication aid can be a great help for dentists in explaining the treatments that are awaiting for their patients.
Špičkové personalizované animácie

Before-after images

Impress the patients and help them in choosing the treatment option that is the most suitable for them.
2nd app of 4:


Visual communication aid that is a great help in explaining problems and treatment procedures. Patients will understand treatments better with the help of 100+ patient education videos and dental animations, so less time can be spent on explaining the procedures.
Špičkové personalizované animácie

Unique dental videos

Show unique dental videos to your patients that they have never seen before (i.e. zirconium light transmission, full bridge process, sinus lift)
Viac ako 30 videí zubných zákrokov

Continously growing

New videos are added each month to show more specific cases and to offer different treatment solutions to a problem.
3rd app of 4:


It is a unique dental treatment calculator that gives estimated prices to patients in seconds. With the personalized price list you can calculate the different treatment options so patients can choose according to their budget.
Špičkové personalizované animácie

Prices in seconds

Give a firm idea of what your patient could expect for costs.
Viac ako 30 videí zubných zákrokov


You can add your own prices and further treatments can be added to the pre-set price list.
4th app of 4:


A revolutionary consultation tool to help dental professionals to communicate effectively and to increase treatment acceptance. With the hundreds of millions of treatment combinations and the personalized dental 3D animations it helps dentists to present the procedures of different treatments to their patients.
Špičkové personalizované animácie

Cutting-edge animations

Explain personalized treatments to your patients step-by-step.
Viac ako 30 videí zubných zákrokov

Millions of combinations

Whether your patient needs a four-unit bridge or a full jaw restoration, you can visualize these with a few clicks.
Špičkové personalizované animácie

More options in one go

Calculate with different types and materials.

Viac funkcii

Predvolené ukážkové ceny (prispôsobiteľné)
Systém číslovania FDI / ISO
Univerzálny systém číslovania
Počet dostupných jazykov: 30
Odborné inštruktážne video, ktoré používateľa oboznámi so všetkými potrebnými krokmi
Profesionálne podporné služby
Pravidelné aktualizácie

Počet dostupných jazykov: 30

    Úloha DentiCalc

    Vytváranie hodnôt
    V oblasti stomatológie pôsobíme už 16 rokov a za ten čas sme poskytli viac ako 10 000 konzultácií. Tiež sme získali množstvo zubných ocenení.
    Tím DentiCalc
    Náš tím pozostáva zo zubných lekárov, marketingových špecialistov, odborníkov na zubnú turistiku, špecialistov na vývoj IT a niekoľkých zástupcov starostlivosti o klientov.
    Náš cieľ
    Vždy sa snažíme riešiť zubné problémy, ktoré zatiaľ neboli vyriešené. Veríme, že aplikácia DentiCalc bude pre vás a vašu prax veľkou pomocou.


    "DentiCalc is really amazing, You will be very satisfied with this app. Many thanks to the developers."
    - Dr. Dennis Ferrera -
    "Superb app, easy to browse and get the required appointment. Thanks."
    - AgroVeda Naturals -
    "DentiCalc is a very useful app, I really loved it. Highly recommended."
    - SayWhite Dental -
    "Best dental care app. I loved it. Simple and elegant app. It is easy to use."
    - TiborDental -
    "Best dentist app available in the market. Highly recommended. Download and experience it."
    - The Accidental Medico -
    "Great app to show patients the plan as you go on with them . As many of them do not know the different types of prosthesis."
    - Dr. Obaro Useh -